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::::::::Reading Comprehension:::::::


Call me!


My name is Thomas Alfaro Ortiz. I'm an auto mechanic. I work at Artavia’s Workshop in New York. I live in Agua Buena. My job is very nice, and I do it well. I make a lot of money from it, too. It is pretty dirty sometimes, but that’s OK. I really enjoy swimming and eating out at a restaurant in Andrea’s Hotel. That is two blocks north from the workshop. I also enjoy playing soccer, video games and reading science fiction books. I am 30 years old. My phone number is three-nine-six one-four six-nine. I'm looking for a friend. Call me!

1)        Thomas works fixing ______________.


A)         cars

B)         TVs

C)         phones

D)         Play Stations



2)        Mr. Alfaro lives ______________.


A)         in a hotel

B)         in Agua Buena

C)         next to the workshop

D)         next to Andrea’s hotel


3)        Thomas likes ______________.


A)         reading and swimming

B)         eating and reading game books

C)         playing soccer and making books  

D)         swimming and attending workshops


4)        Mr. Alfaro’s phone number is ______________.


A)         369-4961

B)         396-4469

C)         369-6941

D)         396-1469


5)        Mr. Alfaro’s age is ______________.


A)         thirty

B)         thirteen

C)         thirty-one

D)         thirty-five


6)        Thomas says he is a good ______________.


A)         teacher

B)         mechanic

C)         bus driver

D)         taxi driver







Ronaldo Luis Nazário de Lima — the great Ronaldo — has quit his game. Three times the world player of the year, twice the winner of the World Cup, the record scorer in the World Cup — the list goes on.


“I wanted to continue,” he told the Brazilian news media before confirming his retirement Monday.

“But I can’t do it the way I want to. The head wants to go on, but the body can’t take it anymore.”


To the umpteenth microphone shoved in front of his nose in São Paulo, he confessed Sunday,

“In recent days, I have cried like a baby.” Not a baby, perhaps, but ever a child in a man’s body, Ronaldo did something very few players in history ever could. He defined not one World Cup, but two.



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